Tempo Bench Press 3/26/2020
The Post Retirement Bench Guy
Tempo Bench W/Bands: 170lbs 3 Sets of 5 Reps
Wide-grip Bench: 155x10, 155x10, 155x20
Yates Rows: 140x10 2 Sets
Band Kickbacks: Green Band x10, x6, x12
The Tempo Benches were done with a 4-second eccentric (lowering), 1-second pause on chest, fast as possible press, 1-second pause at arms length. This is described like this: 4-1-x-1
The bands used during the 1st movement add about 40lbs at the chest and increase resistance to about 70lbs at arms length. Add the "straight weight", 170lbs, to band resistance to approximate total resistance.
Wide-grip Bench is done as a kind of chest finisher, or muscle builder. The last set is taken close to failure.
Yates Rows: Think barbell rows with an underhand grip.
Band Kickbacks: Not a "great" triceps movement but I have elbow pain with most other triceps exercises. Got a decent pump and called it quits.
Here's a recap of the current program:
1st Mini Cycle: TnG Bench 3x10 3 days rest Tempo Bench w/Bands 3x6
CGBP 3x10 " WGBP 3x10
Rows " Rows
Triceps Triceps
2nd Mini Cycle: TnG Bench 3x8 3 days rest Tempo Bench w/Bands 3x5
CGBP 3x10 " WGBP 3x10
Rows " Rows
Triceps Triceps
3rd Mini Cycle: TnG Bench 3x5 3 days rest Tempo Bench w/Bands 3x4
CGBP 3x10 " WGBP 3x10
Rows " Rows
Triceps Triceps
4th Mini Cycle: Deload 3 days rest 1st Mini Cycle Restarts
80% of last 3x5 TnG Repeat last 3x10 5-10lbs heavier.
90% last rows
Notice the deload is lighter but not light, easy volume. This is a time to allow yourself to heal up, get excited about lifting again and get ready for new PRs (personal records) in the weeks ahead. Of course there will come a time when adding more weight will just not work. Next post I'll go into details about doing a reset and getting back on the Gains Train. Stay well.
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