The Post Retirement Bench Guy
Why Bench? No, the title is "You used to be a strong. Be strong again."
1st post on the new blog. Here's what this is all about. Me. No, wait. It's about getting better at bench pressing. For me. No, wait. For older folks. Yes, I realize the bench press is not the most important thing in the world. But its at least as important as most other stupid hobbies.
Since we're going through a worldwide pandemic right now I knew this is precisely the time for a bench press blog targeting old(er) guys (and gals with lots of luck).
Enough buffoonery. Here's the program I'm using. Since you have plenty of time to research stuff on the internet with the whole worldwide health crisis and all you can look up any terms that aren't familiar. Whatever.
Daily undulating program meaning that every training day is different throughout a 3-week training cycle. The 3-weeks by the way isn't really since I use an 8-day week. Because I'm (and possibly you are also) old.
Here's your new week. I don't care if it doesn't fit your life. Retire and make it fit.
1st Training Day then take 3 full days off. Forget internet experts (other than me now I guess).
2nd Training Day, take 3 full days off then 1st Training Day again. This is complicated. Get a calendar.
There are three 1st Training Day workouts which alternate with
three 2nd Training Day workouts which do the same.
Day One workouts:
1) 3 sets across of 10 at a weight that is tough for you. If you don't complete all the reps you'll repeat on your next 3x10 day. Take plenty of rest between sets. All you want in fact. 5-6 minutes probably.
2) 3 sets of 10 close-grip bench starting at 50%. Add 5lbs each time.
3) Some kind of row or pulldown. Whatever. I like to bench. I do these because really good benchers do them. Whatever.
Day Two workouts:
1) Tempo Bench Press with bands 4-1-x-1. Sound weird? Look it up. 3 sets of 6. Same rest advice as day-1.
2) 3 sets of 10 wide-grip bench starting at 50%. Add 5lbs each time.
3. Some kind of row or pulldown. Whatever. Where the squats? The knees say no but again, whatever.
1st post on the new blog. Here's what this is all about. Me. No, wait. It's about getting better at bench pressing. For me. No, wait. For older folks. Yes, I realize the bench press is not the most important thing in the world. But its at least as important as most other stupid hobbies.
Since we're going through a worldwide pandemic right now I knew this is precisely the time for a bench press blog targeting old(er) guys (and gals with lots of luck).
Enough buffoonery. Here's the program I'm using. Since you have plenty of time to research stuff on the internet with the whole worldwide health crisis and all you can look up any terms that aren't familiar. Whatever.
Daily undulating program meaning that every training day is different throughout a 3-week training cycle. The 3-weeks by the way isn't really since I use an 8-day week. Because I'm (and possibly you are also) old.
Here's your new week. I don't care if it doesn't fit your life. Retire and make it fit.
1st Training Day then take 3 full days off. Forget internet experts (other than me now I guess).
2nd Training Day, take 3 full days off then 1st Training Day again. This is complicated. Get a calendar.
There are three 1st Training Day workouts which alternate with
three 2nd Training Day workouts which do the same.
Day One workouts:
1) 3 sets across of 10 at a weight that is tough for you. If you don't complete all the reps you'll repeat on your next 3x10 day. Take plenty of rest between sets. All you want in fact. 5-6 minutes probably.
2) 3 sets of 10 close-grip bench starting at 50%. Add 5lbs each time.
3) Some kind of row or pulldown. Whatever. I like to bench. I do these because really good benchers do them. Whatever.
Day Two workouts:
1) Tempo Bench Press with bands 4-1-x-1. Sound weird? Look it up. 3 sets of 6. Same rest advice as day-1.
2) 3 sets of 10 wide-grip bench starting at 50%. Add 5lbs each time.
3. Some kind of row or pulldown. Whatever. Where the squats? The knees say no but again, whatever.
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