Being Very Eccentric
Tempo Bench Press
What's eccentric about that? Well I'll tell you: The bench press has four distinctly different parts.
1. After you take the bar off the rack and are holding it at arms length, you lower the bar. That lowering of the bar is eccentric movement.
2. Holding the bar motionless on your chest momentarily is called an isometric contraction.
3. Pushing the bar up to arms length is a concentric movement.
4. Pausing momentarily at arms length is also isometric contraction.
All that to explain that a Tempo Bench Press is a variation of bench press where the eccentric or lowering portion is slowed down. Look at this description:
The 4 means the bar is lowered to a 4-count down to the chest.
The next number, 1, is a 1-second pause on the chest.
The x represents pressing as fast as possible to arms length.
The last number 1 is a 1-second pause at arms length.
The slow lowering creates additional muscle building (hypertrophy). Its quite a bit harder than just a normal tempo so go lighter. Also, do fewer repetitions as your time under tension is much greater. I limit my reps to 6 or less.
Remember this is one of two workouts per week. Many people would do their training on Monday and Thursday. For older trainees just train every 4th day, as I do, since recovery ain't what it used to be.
Here's my training log from 3/18/2020
Tempo Bench Press w/Bands (Meaning I attach resistance bands to the barbell. These can be purchased from many sources. I use They add resistance depending on how far they're stretched. Mine add approximately 40lbs at the chest and 70lbs at arms length).
No bands? No problem. Do it old school, works great.
Tempo Bench Press 4-1-x-1: 160lbsx6 3 Sets
Wide-grip Bench Press: (Grip at least two fingers wider than normal)
145lbsx10 3 Sets
Yates Rows: 135lbs x10 3 Sets (These are similar to regular barbell rows but with an underhand grip)
To get bands or other high quality gear:
What's eccentric about that? Well I'll tell you: The bench press has four distinctly different parts.
1. After you take the bar off the rack and are holding it at arms length, you lower the bar. That lowering of the bar is eccentric movement.
2. Holding the bar motionless on your chest momentarily is called an isometric contraction.
3. Pushing the bar up to arms length is a concentric movement.
4. Pausing momentarily at arms length is also isometric contraction.
All that to explain that a Tempo Bench Press is a variation of bench press where the eccentric or lowering portion is slowed down. Look at this description:
The 4 means the bar is lowered to a 4-count down to the chest.
The next number, 1, is a 1-second pause on the chest.
The x represents pressing as fast as possible to arms length.
The last number 1 is a 1-second pause at arms length.
The slow lowering creates additional muscle building (hypertrophy). Its quite a bit harder than just a normal tempo so go lighter. Also, do fewer repetitions as your time under tension is much greater. I limit my reps to 6 or less.
Remember this is one of two workouts per week. Many people would do their training on Monday and Thursday. For older trainees just train every 4th day, as I do, since recovery ain't what it used to be.
Here's my training log from 3/18/2020
Tempo Bench Press w/Bands (Meaning I attach resistance bands to the barbell. These can be purchased from many sources. I use They add resistance depending on how far they're stretched. Mine add approximately 40lbs at the chest and 70lbs at arms length).
No bands? No problem. Do it old school, works great.
Tempo Bench Press 4-1-x-1: 160lbsx6 3 Sets
Wide-grip Bench Press: (Grip at least two fingers wider than normal)
145lbsx10 3 Sets
Yates Rows: 135lbs x10 3 Sets (These are similar to regular barbell rows but with an underhand grip)
To get bands or other high quality gear:
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