1st Day Training

a) 3x10 Touch-n-Go Bench, 3x10 close-grip bench @ 50%, Yates Rows 3x10

b) 3x8 Touch-n-Go Bench, 3x10 close-grip bench @ 55%, Yates Rows 3x10

c) 3x5 Touch-n-Go Bench, 3x10 close-grip bench @ 60%, Yates Rows 3x10

2nd Day Training

a) 3x6 Banded Tempo Bench 4-1-x-1, 3x10 wide-grip bench 50%, Yates Rows 3x10

b) 3x5 Banded Tempo Bench 4-1-x-1, 3x10 wide-grip bench 55%, Yates Rows 3x10

c) 3x4 Banded Tempo Bench 4-1-x-1, 3x10 wide-grip bench 60%, Yates Rows 3x10

If you don't have bands for day-2 training just use straight weight.

Don't miss reps which is gym-speak for Don't start too Heavy!

Look up tempo bench on the web. Quit checking for virus updates all day.

Keep a log of everything you do. You'll get sore but have 3 full days between training days so you'll be ok. Lets survive this son-of-a-bitch virus stronger than we started.

My Training Log for 3/14/2020

Touch-n-Go Bench: 240x4, 240x5, 240x5 (Note I missed a rep on my 1st work set. Oops)
Close-grip Bench: 155x10 3 sets
Yates Rows: 135x10 2 sets.

None of my warmup sets are logged because they're boring but just know there is lots of warming up going on. Took about 1 hour and 15 minutes in total.


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